Adding FoodTruck data
How to test it
git fetch
git checkout foodTruckData
What it is
I made inputted data for 3 food trucks containing the following: Their Name, Food, FoodDescription, FoodPrice, Drinks, DrinkPrice, Location, LocationDistance and image.
Food, FoodDescription, Drinks, and Location are all String Arrays, I don't think it should be an issue, but I made just 3 for testing purposes. FoodPrice, DrinkPrice, and LocationDistance are Double Arrays, for those random people who use "$1.5" instead of "$1" or "$2" Image int array-> because that's how it is normally called LOL
I was thinking that to have this file store all the data instead of making a separated file for "Food" and it's foodDescriptions because we can make different types of cardViews instead. The name can be like the "id", but I can add an "id" too if yall want. Like the cardView for:
- Homepage would only take FoodTruck's Name and Image
- ListPage would take Name, Image, Location, LocationDistance
- FoodTruckDetails would take in Name, Food, FoodDescription, FoodPrice, Drinks, DrinkPrice, and image. You can play with the xml to change how it will look within each page
- test this data with the arrays in cardViews first before adding schedule info
- add schedule data aka times & location if the array data works